2016 Fees for Service

The following fee schedule has been approved by the Courier Policy Committee for Kansas Library Express courier service for January 1 through December 31, 2016.  Cost recovery charges will be assessed for branches of a courier library that requests direct service. This fee schedule will remain in effect through 2017.

Because regional systems of cooperating libraries are providing substantial subsidies and support for the courier service, your library’s net cost may be substantially reduced, or may be paid directly by the regional system. Please contact your regional system for further information.

Base Fees

3 stops per week: $1,050

5 stops per week: $2,400  Note: This is the same fee schedule that was in effect for the 2015 service year.

Fees will be charged on a prorated basis. Therefore, libraries joining the service during the year and institutions not open for service during summer months, will be charged a reduced rate.  The level of service may be increased from 3 days per week to 5 days per week during the service year, and the difference in fees will be pro-rated for the service term remaining.

A high volume surcharge is applied to libraries that expect to ship 4,000 items or more during the year. The surcharge schedule is as follows, and is in addition to the base fee:

Items Shipped    Surcharge
4,000-6,999        $500
7,000-9,999        $1,000 (5-day per week service is required)
10,000-12,999    $1,500 (5-day per week service is required)
For libraries shipping more than 13,000 items, volume charges increase $500 for each additional 3,000 items sent up to 34,000 items.  Any additional items will not add to the volume surcharge.