Procedure for Reporting Lost or Damaged Materials

Kansas Library Express


Policy concerning lost materials

If items shipped on Kansas Library Express fail to arrive, the following steps should be taken:

  • Contact the library shipping the material to confirm items have been sent
  • Check your library collection to confirm items have not been shelved in error
  • Report delay to courier coordinator

Items reported delayed are announced to all courier libraries. A list of currently missing items is maintained at the Kansas Library Express website.

Without a tracking system, individual items cannot be located while in transit.  If loss is substantial to any one library or on a particular route, courier managers will be asked to investigate.  The loss of a single item may occasionally occur.  Libraries as a matter of practice may budget this as a cost of doing business.

When items remain missing for 2 months, a Materials Replacement Fund application may be submitted.  The borrowing library completes the form on behalf of the lending library.  See the application guidelines and download a form at: Materials Replacement Fund


Policy concerning damaged materials

If items shipped on Kansas Library Express arrive damaged, the following steps should be taken:

  • Notify courier coordinator immediately.
  • Notify the lending library if the item was borrowed and describe the damage.  The item may not need replacement, but it is best to inform the lender.  If damage is visible, a photo to document the damage may be taken and emailed to courier coordinator.
  • Complete the report form describing the damage if sufficient to warrant replacement.  Use the form at:
  • Send a copy of the damage report along with photos of the damaged item to courier coordinator at Northeast Kansas Library System using the courier shipping label for KS 131, fax or email
  • Henry Industries will be invoiced for the replacement cost of the item and payment to the lending library will be made.