Kansas Library Express Ships 32,000 items in July

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In July, 2009, the Kansas Library Express kicked off its convenient and cost-effective courier service with more than 200 libraries of all types and sizes participating throughout the state. In just 20 days of service during July, more than 32,000 items were shipped – an average of 215 per library, based on reports from 150 libraries.”  Some of the smaller libraries have already sent as many items in this month as they sent in all of 2008. July is usually a rather light month for interlibrary loans, so usage and per item savings should continue to increase.

Problems have been fairly minor for a rapid launch of such an extensive service. This comment from Salina Public Library embodies the response to any early problems: “It seems to be going well from my viewpoint and whatever kinks are still in the system will be ironed out.  Just wanted you to know we in Salina appreciate your efforts.”

From a Protection Library July 17 email, “I’m going to report now. I have NO problems.”

And, from the Wetmore Public Library, “love the courier…we are mostly sending items out to other libraries, but our patrons are getting used to ordering their materials ahead of time and don’t really care which library they borrow from…..”

Kansas Library Express is funded by fees paid by the participating libraries, contributions from the seven regional library systems of cooperating libraries, and assistance from a federal grant through the State Library of Kansas.