Welcome to Kansas Library Express!

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Kansas Library Express, the new Kansas statewide interlibrary courier service, will begin connecting Kansas libraries on Monday, July 6, 2009.

The service will be provided under contract by Henry Industries Courier Networks, a professional courier delivery company with an extensive statewide courier network.

As the administrator of the courier service, the Northeast Kansas Library System (NEKLS) is responsible for contracting with Henry Industries for the courier service, for administering all of the billing, information and trouble shooting activities to make the courier service meet your needs. Please contact us whenever you have any questions or problems:

Carolyn Little, Courier Services Coordinator:  courier@nekls.org

Laura DeBaun, NEKLS Director: ldebaun@nekls.org

Phone: 785-838-4090

This is some “starter” information:

  • We will be sending out library participant lists with OCLC codes and instructions for printing courier labels on Wednesday, July 1st.
  • Shipping tubs for those libraries that have purchased those will be shipped during the first week of service.
  • Courier zipper bags are on order and will be delivered as soon as possible.
  • Please keep track of the following information about the numbers of packages that you ship in the following four categories for reporting monthly use statistics:
  1. Small envelopes or courier bags (11″x14″ or smaller)
  2. Large envelopes or bags
  3. Tubs or boxes
  4. Any individual items, such as equipment, summer reading materials or other printed matter, etc.

Welcome, and let us know how we are doing.