Taking precautions for COVID-19 and the courier

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The KLE Courier will continue to provide service to libraries at their regularly scheduled days and times.  Libraries and drivers will do their best to adhere to social distancing guidelines and non-contact service exchanges.  Library staff and drivers are encouraged to wear a mask during the exchange process.

*The KLE Courier has removed the quarantine recommendation for courier items.  Libraries can choose not to quarantine or opt for the local practice that works best for them.  However, below are some “common sense/best practices” for courier processing:

1) Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water after handling courier bags and materials.
2) Refrain from touching eyes, nose, mouth and face while processing items for the courier.
3) Wipe down courier processing surfaces with disinfecting wipes often.
4) Please notify the courier coordinator right away at, courier@nekls.org or caroline@nekls.org, if your KLE courier services need to be paused due to the pandemic.
5) If your library closes, it could take about 1 week for items already in transit to filter through the courier system. Talk with the courier coordinator, Caroline Handwork, about managing that.
Notes from the State Library of Kansas regarding Interlibrary Loan and the Coronavirus:  If a library is going to close for an undetermined period, do the following;

1. Enter holiday dates in SHAREit ASAP so requests don’t get delayed
2. Notify Caroline at the courier office so courier deliveries are stopped via courier@nekls.org or caroline@nekls.org
3. If you can use SHAREit from home, be generous in requesting and granting renewals



Best Practices for Bedbugs

What to do when a bed bug “hotspot” has been identified.  Click here for  Best Practices for Bedbugs.

Regarding the KLE Courier and bed bugs, here is some helpful information to keep in mind:

  • KLE Libraries shall work with each other on a solution. Options may be but are not limited to; charge one another for replacement of damaged library item, allow treatment by library in possession, purchase replacement item, etc.
  • Courier: Please be considerate of others! Please don’t send any materials that have or you suspect have been compromised by bed bugs through the courier unless they have been treated.
  • If item is treated, it will be double bagged before sending back to owning library.
  • Notify the Courier Coordinator at courier@nekls.org of any bed bug cases that could effect the courier or other libraries on the courier.

Thank you for your cooperation!

KLE Book Slip

Oops!  Mistakes happen and sometimes libraries send items in error.  You may use the KLE book-slip to redirect items back to the sending library.  Simply click the link above, print out the sheet of book slips, and then cut them out.  There are four per page.  Fill out a slip and ship it along with the item/items back to the sending library.

Procedure for Reporting Lost or Damaged Materials

Kansas Library Express


Policy concerning lost materials

If items shipped on Kansas Library Express fail to arrive, the following steps should be taken:

  • Contact the library shipping the material to confirm items have been sent
  • Check your library collection to confirm items have not been shelved in error
  • Report delay to courier coordinator

Items reported delayed are announced to all courier libraries. A list of currently missing items is maintained at the Kansas Library Express website.

Without a tracking system, individual items cannot be located while in transit.  If loss is substantial to any one library or on a particular route, courier managers will be asked to investigate.  The loss of a single item may occasionally occur.  Libraries as a matter of practice may budget this as a cost of doing business.

When items remain missing for 2 months, a Materials Replacement Fund application may be submitted.  The borrowing library completes the form on behalf of the lending library.  See the application guidelines and download a form at: Materials Replacement Fund


Policy concerning damaged materials

If items shipped on Kansas Library Express arrive damaged, the following steps should be taken:

  • Notify courier coordinator immediately.
  • Notify the lending library if the item was borrowed and describe the damage.  The item may not need replacement, but it is best to inform the lender.  If damage is visible, a photo to document the damage may be taken and emailed to courier coordinator.
  • Complete the report form describing the damage if sufficient to warrant replacement.  Use the form at: http://kslibexpress.mykansaslibrary.org/contact-us/report-of-lost-or-damaged-materials/
  • Send a copy of the damage report along with photos of the damaged item to courier coordinator at Northeast Kansas Library System using the courier shipping label for KS 131, fax or email courier@nekls.org
  • Henry Industries will be invoiced for the replacement cost of the item and payment to the lending library will be made.

Blue Sky Express Connects Kansas to Colorado

Blue Sky Express connects courier networks in Kansas and Colorado 5 days per week. The service is being provided at no additional cost to all Kansas Library Express participants.

Blue Sky Express information links:

Colorado Libraries Lists

Kansas Libraries Lists

Shipping Procedure

Materials are exchanged daily at Goodland (Kansas) Public Library. The daily shipment is transported to and from Goodland in crates designated for use by Blue Sky Express.  These materials are sorted and delivered by the Kansas Library Express drivers on their current schedule.  Look for the Blue Sky Express shipping labels to ship items to Colorado libraries on the Henry Industries website.
Colorado shipping labels

Questions about the service?  Contact the Courier Coordinator by email at courier@nekls.org or by phone 785-838-4090.

Using the KLE Delivery Code

Rhonda Machlan of the State Library of Kansas explains the KLE Delivery Code to indicate your library is on the KLE Courier.

KICNET libraries on Kansas Library Express (both direct and indirect service libraries) should add their KLE code (KS###) after the Ship To Name in their Participant Record. It should NOT go in the Library Name field at the top of the Participant Record because that information is used in a whole slew of places where courier information isn’t helpful.

Thus, the Ship To area might look like:

PO BOX 789

or for an academic example:


The reason I wouldn’t recommend that the courier code appear on the top line
by itself is that while AGent (now ShareIt) isn’t pulling that name into a field on a
separate display (like the Status Browse areas), it might in the future and
I think it’s better to use those fields for their intended purpose.

As you’re formatting your Ship To area, remember it has to primarily serve
those libraries who are sending to you via US Mail, because libraries
sending to you on the courier will use Henry labels. And the Post Office

*PO Box number by itself on line immediately above City / State / ZIP

Remember that your Ship To Name in KICNET should match as closely as
possible your library name on the Henry labels to make finding the right
label easy.

Kansas Library Express Ships 32,000 items in July

In July, 2009, the Kansas Library Express kicked off its convenient and cost-effective courier service with more than 200 libraries of all types and sizes participating throughout the state. In just 20 days of service during July, more than 32,000 items were shipped – an average of 215 per library, based on reports from 150 libraries.”  Some of the smaller libraries have already sent as many items in this month as they sent in all of 2008. July is usually a rather light month for interlibrary loans, so usage and per item savings should continue to increase.

Problems have been fairly minor for a rapid launch of such an extensive service. This comment from Salina Public Library embodies the response to any early problems: “It seems to be going well from my viewpoint and whatever kinks are still in the system will be ironed out.  Just wanted you to know we in Salina appreciate your efforts.”

From a Protection Library July 17 email, “I’m going to report now. I have NO problems.”

And, from the Wetmore Public Library, “love the courier…we are mostly sending items out to other libraries, but our patrons are getting used to ordering their materials ahead of time and don’t really care which library they borrow from…..”

Kansas Library Express is funded by fees paid by the participating libraries, contributions from the seven regional library systems of cooperating libraries, and assistance from a federal grant through the State Library of Kansas.